
Design verilog code for the combinational circuit MUX4x1 in structural style modelling by taking instance of MUX2X1 and simulate it on iverilog and GTKWave open simulator.

Design and test bench:

//***** design under test******
// design top module
module mux4(

//input interface
input [3:0]i,
input [1:0]e,
output o
// intermediate signals
wire x,y,e0,e1,e3,s1n;

// design mux with structural style modeling
not n1 (s1n,s[1]);
mux2 m20(i[1:0],s[0],s1n,x); // connection with MUX2 port by position i[1:0],s,e,o
mux2 m21(i[3:2],s[0],s[1],y); // connection with MUX2 port by position i[1:0],s,e,o
and a1 (e0,x,e[0],e[1]);
and a2 (e1,y,e[0],e[1]);
and a3 (e3,e[0],e[1]);
mux2 m22({e1,e0},s[1],e3,o); // connection with MUX2 port by position i[1:0],s,e,o


// desing component
module mux2(
input [1:0]i,
input s,
input e,
output o);

// intermediate signals
wire x,y,ns;

// design the dataflow
assign ns = ~s;
assign x= ns & i[0] & e;
assign y= s & i[1] & e;
assign o = x|y;


//***** test bench module******
// creating test environment for DUT
module tb_mux4X1( );
reg [3:0]i;
reg [1:0]s;
reg [1:0]e;
wire o;

// taking instance of the mux4X1
mux4 m41(i[3:0],s[1:0],e[1:0],o); // connection with MUX2 port by position i[3:0],s[1:0],e[1:0],o


        // note that we take enble signals e[1:0] will be always 1
        // only one input will activate at a time
        i=4'h1;e=2'b11;s=2'b00;#10; // s=0 and i=1 line 0 high
        i=4'h2;e=2'b11;s=2'b01;#10; // s=1 and i=2 iine 1 high
        i=4'h4;e=2'b11;s=2'b10;#10; // s=2 and i=4 line 2 high
        i=4'h8;e=2'b11;s=2'b11;#10; // s=3 and i=8 line 3 high

        // random selection and activation of input



Design verilog code for the combinational circuit MUX4x1 in structural style modelling by taking instance of MUX2X1 and simulate it on iverilog and GTKWave open simulator.

Design and test bench: //***** design under test****** // design top module module mux4( //input interface input [3:0]i, input[1:0]s, input ...