
Showing posts with label parallel adder behavioral. Show all posts
Showing posts with label parallel adder behavioral. Show all posts

Design 16 bit adder using behavioral modeling with generic and simulate on iverilog and observe the waveform through GTKwave

//To refer basic half adder and full adder design click here

// To refer parallel adder design click here  

// this is the behavioral implementation of the 16bit parallel adder.

// this adder will work similar to the parallel adder with data flow modeling.

// ************Design under test (DUT)********************
module adder16gen(
// defining input output ports
input [N:0] a,        
input [N:0] b,
input cin,
output [N:0] s,
output cout);

parameter N=15; // generic parameter
wire [N+1:0]t;    // for temporary storage

assign t=a + b + cin;        // addition of input data
assign s[N:0] = t [N:0];    //    assign the temporary to output
assign cout = t[N+1];        // Answer's MSB will assign to cout 

//************** test bench module **********************
module tb();
parameter N=15; // test bench  generic paramenter
//defining regs and wires to connect with DUT terminals
reg [N:0] a;   
reg [N:0] b;
reg cin;
wire [N:0] s;
wire cout;

// take instance of the DUT in test bench
adder16gen i(a,b,cin,s,cout);

// defining the paramenters for simulation
initial begin

// defining initial value of the input data
initial begin
a = 4'b0000; b=4'b0000;cin=1'b0;

// generate value for the test the design
always begin
// random value assigning to the ports
//finish the test code with $finish command


Test commands: to get more insight for testing design click here


Design verilog code for the combinational circuit MUX4x1 in structural style modelling by taking instance of MUX2X1 and simulate it on iverilog and GTKWave open simulator.

Design and test bench: //***** design under test****** // design top module module mux4( //input interface input [3:0]i, input[1:0]s, input ...