
Testing of the Linear feedback shift register on the iverilog and GTKwave

To understand linear feedback shift register you can refer Wikipedia link click here

Execute code

Go to notepad++ and select language v->verilog put lfsr code into file and save with lfsr16.v

`ifndef LFSR16_V_
`define LFSR16_V_


/** The LFSR module
    @param[in] clk clock input
    @param[in] rst reset line input
    @param[in] cen core enable
    @param[in] wen write enable
    @param[in] din data input
    @param[out] dout data output (augmented lfsr value)
module lfsr16(
    clk, rst,
    cen, wen, din, dout

input clk, rst;
input cen, wen;
input [4:0] din;
output [4:0] dout;

reg [4:0] lfsr; ///< lfsr[4:1] stores the previous value
wire corr_bit = ~|lfsr[2:0];
wire next_bit = lfsr[3]^lfsr[0]^corr_bit;

assign dout = lfsr;

// sequential machine
always @(posedge clk)
    if (rst) lfsr <= 5'b10000; // reset value
    else if (cen) begin
        if (wen) lfsr <= din;
         else lfsr <= {lfsr[3:0], next_bit};


/** The LFSR testbench */
module lfsr16_tb;

parameter tck = 10; ///< clock tick

reg clk, rst; // clock, reset
reg cen, wen; // core enable, write enable
reg [4:0] din; // data input
wire [4:0] dout; // data output (augmented lfsr value)

/** The LFSR DUT instance */
lfsr16 dut(
    clk, rst,
    cen, wen, din, dout

always #(tck/2) clk <= ~clk; // clocking device

initial begin
    $dumpvars(-1, dut);
    $monitor("%b", dout);

// testbench actions
initial begin
    clk = 0; rst = 0; cen = 0; wen = 0;
    rst = 1;
    rst = 0;
    cen = 1;

    repeat(20) @(negedge clk);

    wait(dout[3:0] == 0);
    @(negedge clk);
    wait(dout[3:0] == 0);




`endif // LFSR16_V_

Simulate the code

After writing code we need to simulate code through command prompt

Step 1: compile the code on iverilog

iverilog lfsr16.v


Step 2: To compile lfsr16.v to an executable file called lfsr16:

iverilog −o lfsr16 lfsr16.v


Step 3 : To compile and run explicitly using the vvp runtime:

iverilog −o lfsr16.vvp −tvvp lfsr16.v


Step 4: to generate vcd file

vvp lfsr16


step 5: invoke the GTKwave from command prompt 

gtkwave lfsr16.vcd


Link for GTK wave tutorial:

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